So, this is my last chance to write for a while. I'll try and post in Panama. Unfortunately, I will be unable to post daily messages to mapshare - new Clipper policy :-( I will track our route and post it whenever possible (near shore with cell service). I'll write a couple of the crew diary entries for the Clipper Race website. Maybe I will be able to get the occasional email message out to family that can be posted. I hope you enjoy following the race!
Here are a few snaps of today's events - see the photo gallery for a few more. Posting while still in range of cell service!
Lifejacket checked; AIS device intalled.
Ryan and Craig service a sticky winch.
Food bags stuffed full with fresh veg!
Bob is ready for the MOB practice later this evening.
Sean is making lunch. Yummy!!
Footwear choice varies person to person...
Jane: it's "grind!", not "grin"!
The mood is getting festive!
Goodbye for now!!